Video  |  November 15, 2022

How can SEL in Classrooms help Educators?


Being an educator for Middle Schoolers is quite a task. These kids are going through a lot of changes in their bodies to start with, followed by their immediate environment and overall life. Conflicts, emotional outbursts, social anxieties, low confidence, too much stress of schoolwork, etc. are some of the things that they are already dealing with. As an educator, you can only help so much here with the academic curriculum at hand and your targets to complete as an educator. This is where social-emotional learning comes into the picture.

Research by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) showed that students who got life skills lessons could better manage their emotions, performed well at school and also developed a healthy attitude towards themselves, others and the school.

But, what you as an educator might be facing right now is the lack of time and resources to design an SEL curriculum. Well, Palo is here for you. Our evident-based life skills modules for middle schoolers ensure that your students have the skills and attitude needed to formulate healthy identities, manage their emotions and behavior, become better at decision-making and a whole lot of other initiatives through bite-sized learning activities that are aimed at whole child development. You can contact Palo for more information on implementing SEL in your school. Take this initiative and help your students thrive in life.

Morgan Atkins
